Dear Sally,
As we figured out today . . . "the weather outside is frightful" and after waiting for the Santa Clause parade in the windy streets of Toronto I returned to my snug little apartment desperate for warmth!
As I am writing this I think a better title would have been "Triple S!" Sickness, Soup and Sunday.
Nothing warms me up better than fresh homemade soup and so I set to work on creating something that is easy enough to make when drowsy with a cold but most importantly delicious.
Carrots, Celery, spices and a few other things is all you need to make a yummy smooth and satisfying soup. I will warn you that I didn't use an actual recipe for this but then again I have never been one to follow a recipe directly anyways.
Creamy (creamless) Carrot Soup
1 bag carrots
1 stalk celery
1/2 red onion
3 cloves garlic
1/2 red, orange and yellow pepper
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
3-4 cups chicken stock
olive oil
dried thyme
salt and pepper
1. Wash and trim the bag of carrots and chop into small chunks. Toss with olive oil and season with salt, pepper and thyme. Crush garlic and mix with the carrots. Roast in the oven for 1 1/2 - 2 hours depending on temperature and size of the chunks (I just kept cooking them until they were all tender)
2. While the carrots are cooking chop the onion, celery and peppers into small chunks and cook slowly. Season lightly with salt, pepper and thyme and add the chicken stock after vegetables have softened.
3. When the carrots are finished roasting add them to the soup pan and cook for another 30 minutes. Blend the vegetables and stock in small batches until thick and creamy. Reserve most of the stock and add as needed to ensure the soup is thick enough but doesn't have any chunks.
4. Top with a dollop of sour cream and serve!
Sally I quickly want to thank you for those silent moments when I swear you can read my thoughts or at least what is on my heart. Thank you for a silent hug and a love that extends beyond the boundaries of friendship.
I love you,
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